The Equality and Good Relations Journal is an important element of our research advocacy piece. Other pieces are expected to include: literature reviews to support recommendations on program development and refinement; qualitative studies; evaluation of intervention programs; and consultation on research design. Results are used to recommend program developments, policy initiatives, and future research directions.
The Journal is a collection of research essays evaluating intervention tools, strategies and framework of public sector organizations, measured against exemplary practices and recommendations. It is intended to enrich discourse and practice as we strive for just and resilient communities. In doing this our intent is to improve common understandings and to motivate actions in the right direction as a means of disrupting adverse discrimination. We plan two publications a year: In Spring and Autumn.
Get the latest copy of Equality and Good Relations Journal for:
- Improved knowledge of the quality of government’s tools, strategies and framework intended to address inequality of outcomes;
- Improve your ability to engage in policy related conversations about equality and discrimination; and
- Improve your confidence to take actions in the right direction as a means of disrupting adverse discrimination.
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